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Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins sometimes form schools of more than a hundred individuals and are commonly associated with other species of whales and dolphins.

  • Apart from sight, dolphins also navigate by echolocation. They produce clicking sounds to send out sound waves. When these waves hit an object, they bounce back towards the dolphins’ well-developed ears. This gives dolphins information about the location of the object and some indication of its shape and size.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Near Threatened
IUCN Red List: Near Threatened
CITES: Appendix II
CITES: Appendix II
Chinese Wildlife Conservation Law: Category 2

These dolphins live in inshore waters. Their natural habitats are exposed to degradation, exploitation and disturbances such as coastal development, pollution, fisheries and boat traffic. They are harmed by fisheries through overfishing and as by-catch.

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