워터월드 홍콩 오션파크
오션파크로 떠나는 즐거운 여행에 필요한 모든 것

환경 및 탄소 관리 방침

Ocean Park recognizes its corporate responsibilities towards both the environment and the community by addressing climate change. Supporting Hong Kong Government's Climate Action Plan's carbon neutrality target, the Park is committed to achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050 with good environmental practice among its staff and business partners, and will seek to encourage its suppliers and contractors to apply the same level of commitment and concern to environmental matters.

The Park endeavors to conserve natural resources and reduce our carbon footprint, contributing to a sustainable future through effective operations and environmental protection initiatives. Committed to compliance with all regulations and statutes, Ocean Park upholds a proud history of rigorous management, monitoring and reporting of our carbon emissions.

Promoting sustainability, the Park will continue to positively interact with stakeholders in local communities, industry, commercial and the public sector, as well as the international communities. Driving life-long learning and conservation advocacy, Ocean Park's staff will be enabled through training and capacity building to minimize the direct and indirect environmental impacts.

The Environment and Carbon Management Steering Committee will guide the Park's sustainability approach, developing and enhancing its carbon reduction programmes. This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its conformity with the Park's strategies and operations.