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Spotted Wobbegong

Spotted Wobbegong
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • Apart from sneaking up on their prey, spotted wobbegongs may also use a sit-and-wait foraging strategy. When prey such as fish, crabs and lobsters swim near their head or even nibble on their dermal outgrowth, they will protrude their jaws and suck in the prey.

  • During the breeding season, the females release pheromones into the water to attract males. Although they can give birth to 21 to 37 pups, the females can only breed once every 3 years.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Least Concern
IUCN Red List: Least Concern

Commercial fishing is the main threat to spotted wobbegongs. Though most of them are bycatch, they are usually consumed. With the unique colouration and pattern, their skin was used to make decorative leather. Their flesh is now regarded as a delicacy. In New South Wales, there has been a significant decline in the total catch of wobbegongs over the past 10 years.

Only consume fishes that are sustainable!

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